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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Year 6 SATs

This week Year 6 sat their SATs exams. We have worked hard throughout our time in KS2 and the children were absolutely ready to show off their talents and strengths in what was a big week for them. The children were a credit to the school but most importantly themselves. Each day the children came into school early, had breakfast and prepared for the day. A huge thank you to all the parents that have supported their children so well and helped them to understand how special, talented and unique they all are. We look forward to seeing the fruits of their hard work later in the year. 

Once the exams were over it was time to unwind with a whole year game of rounders - we will need to work on our catching! Well done Year 6! 

The children also demanded they took out their week of hard work on their poor teachers with an impromptu soaking - we will need to work on our aim! 
