PE Intent
At St John XXIII we aim to deliver a wide range of different sports and PE lessons tailored to the needs of the different Key Stages, classes and individuals and groups who need to be mindful of.
By the time children leave St John XXIII, they will have mastered a range of skills that will support their future development. These are –
- We intend for the children to develop resilience through PE, raising the bar high through challenges and depth and understanding how we can use these qualities in other areas of our learning. The children will develop healthy competitive attitudes through individual challenges and team games.
- Through PE lessons we encourage the children to be good communicators, to be able to lead and motivate each other and also to develop tactical awareness as well as articulating their decision making and analysis of how to improve their performances and motivation to develop and meet ambitious challenges.
- Through our curriculum offer at St John XXIII we encourage the children to be lifelong learners, ready for their next Key stage and ultimately secondary school. They will explore the skills of a physical, cognitive, social and emotional nature through ‘moving to learn’ that can develop other areas of their wider development and education. Through developing a strong sense of physical literacy the children will develop their physical and mental health with increasing confidence and sense of self-esteem.
- The curriculum will teach the children how to keep themselves safe, assessing their own risks and evaluating what their bodies are capable of whilst also making sure they are able to rise to challenges. By giving the children the ability to be independent during PE lessons they will be able to analyse how they can progress in a safe, nurturing environment where respect for each other, the staff and other members of the community is always encouraged and adhered to.
- Children are encouraged to read a range of texts of sporting nature allowing children to develop their specific vocabularies for PE lessons as well as for other lessons such as Maths, Science and English.
- Our curriculum is broad and well balanced and offer the pupils a range of sports and topics to excel in during PE lessons. The children enjoy dance lessons with a coach as well as extra-curricular clubs giving opportunities for children to develop an interest in a wide variety of activities as well as nurturing the gifted and talented. We encourage skills developed in PE to be used and applied in other areas of the curriculum ensuring pupils have the cultural capital to be successful citizens.
- Knowledge organisers are used at the beginning of each topic to remind the children of their learning from the year before and they will also be used to revise which objectives they are working towards and which ones they feel secure in. Using their skills taught previously they can adapt to new sports and ideas in how to play them.
- The PPG is used to assist children who require PE uniform and they are also given opportunities to join after school clubs. The PE curriculum is differentiated and gives opportunities to challenge those pupils working at mastery level. We address the needs of SEND children in lessons and after school clubs as well as lunch time sessions as give opportunities for them to compete at Borough competitions. British values are taught within the subject addressing the need to lead and respect each other, as well as fair play.
- The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is allocated wisely to enable us to ensure pupils entitled to PPG funding make progress in line with their peers. Our curriculum is carefully differentiated and provides excellent skills-based challenge therefore addressing the needs of our children with SEND as well as those who are more able. We ensure British Values are explicitly taught.
PE Intent
At St John XXIII we aim to deliver a wide range of different sports and PE lessons tailored to the needs of the different Key Stages, classes and individuals and groups who need to be mindful of.
By the time children leave St John XXIII, they will have mastered a range of skills that will support their future development. These are –
- We intend for the children to develop resilience through PE, raising the bar high through challenges and depth and understanding how we can use these qualities in other areas of our learning. The children will develop healthy competitive attitudes through individual challenges and team games.
- Through PE lessons we encourage the children to be good communicators, to be able to lead and motivate each other and also to develop tactical awareness as well as articulating their decision making and analysis of how to improve their performances and motivation to develop and meet ambitious challenges.
- Through our curriculum offer at St John XXIII we encourage the children to be lifelong learners, ready for their next Key stage and ultimately secondary school. They will explore the skills of a physical, cognitive, social and emotional nature through ‘moving to learn’ that can develop other areas of their wider development and education. Through developing a strong sense of physical literacy the children will develop their physical and mental health with increasing confidence and sense of self-esteem.
- The curriculum will teach the children how to keep themselves safe, assessing their own risks and evaluating what their bodies are capable of whilst also making sure they are able to rise to challenges. By giving the children the ability to be independent during PE lessons they will be able to analyse how they can progress in a safe, nurturing environment where respect for each other, the staff and other members of the community is always encouraged and adhered to.
- Children are encouraged to read a range of texts of sporting nature allowing children to develop their specific vocabularies for PE lessons as well as for other lessons such as Maths, Science and English.
- Our curriculum is broad and well balanced and offer the pupils a range of sports and topics to excel in during PE lessons. The children enjoy dance lessons with a coach as well as extra-curricular clubs giving opportunities for children to develop an interest in a wide variety of activities as well as nurturing the gifted and talented. We encourage skills developed in PE to be used and applied in other areas of the curriculum ensuring pupils have the cultural capital to be successful citizens.
- Knowledge organisers are used at the beginning of each topic to remind the children of their learning from the year before and they will also be used to revise which objectives they are working towards and which ones they feel secure in. Using their skills taught previously they can adapt to new sports and ideas in how to play them.
- The PPG is used to assist children who require PE uniform and they are also given opportunities to join after school clubs. The PE curriculum is differentiated and gives opportunities to challenge those pupils working at mastery level. We address the needs of SEND children in lessons and after school clubs as well as lunch time sessions as give opportunities for them to compete at Borough competitions. British values are taught within the subject addressing the need to lead and respect each other, as well as fair play.
- The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is allocated wisely to enable us to ensure pupils entitled to PPG funding make progress in line with their peers. Our curriculum is carefully differentiated and provides excellent skills-based challenge therefore addressing the needs of our children with SEND as well as those who are more able. We ensure British Values are explicitly taught.