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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Well-Being Ambassadors training

On Monday and Tuesday our new Well-Being Ambassadors were given training by Jade and Molly from the Mind Mental Health Support Team. They learnt more about mental health and well-being, what it was and how to support others. 


The new recruits learnt more about the role of a Well-Being Ambassador and took part in role-play activities to help prepare them. They spent a productive afternoon sharing all their brilliant ideas for how we can improve and raise the profile of mental health and Well-Being around the school and are looking forward to making a start after the half term.


I would like to congratulate our new recruits, Serah, Rocco, Chelsey, Makbell, Janai and Yara from Year 5 and Ashley, Sofia and Hiyab from Year 6 for completing their training. Last year’s Well-Being Ambassadors will be continuing in their roles and also completed the training as a refresher so congratulations also to Elshaddai, Jibreel, Kidus, Reah and Lilia-Grace from Year 6.


Look out for your new Well-Being ambassadors around school.
