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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

2020-2021 Year 2 Overview

Dear Parents and Carers,


We would like to welcome you and your child to Year 2!


There are two year two classes Year 2A and Year 2C.


Year 2A staff are - Miss Alderson (Class Teacher) and Ms Matthews (LSA)

Year 2C staff are - Miss Cotton (Class Teacher) and Miss Molloy (Student teacher)

Year 2 Reading Support: Mrs Worley

Key Stage 1 Phase Leader: Miss Cotton


We strive to make it possible for all children to achieve to the highest of their potential, by developing independent learning skills and make good progress throughout the year.  In Year 2, children are taught to be resilient we believe that mistakes are the beginning of learning and not the end. This is reinforced by creating an exciting, creative and engaging environment.


Within Year 2, children will have a range of opportunities to explore and extend their learning in all areas of the curriculum. Due to the school closures in 2020, we will spend the first part of the Autumn term ensuring the children have all the learning and skills they need from Year 1 to support their achievement in Year 2.  Each lesson will challenge and ignite their thirst for learning. There are exciting new topics in the National Curriculum that we look forward to sharing with pupils and the wider school community as we embark on the learning journey. Within Year 2, the children will have specialist lessons in Music, Drama, Dance and Physical Education. The children in Year 2 enjoy drama once a week in the Autumn Term and celebrate their learning with a performance of the Nativity. Once it is safe to do so, there will be a range of educational trips and visitors to enhance the children’s learning and bring it to life.


The focus in Maths for Year 2 will be on mental arithmetic and developing problem solving skills and strategies. We will continue to support and consolidate their existing knowledge of the mathematical concepts and language learnt in Year 1. The children’s learning will be extended and challenged with new methods of calculation and problems to apply them within. We are looking for children to be successful in explaining their reasoning when approaching problems in Maths. In Year 2 the children will learn their times tables using games and songs, they are encouraged to know the 2, 5 and 10 times tables by the end of the year.


We will continue to work on phonics with the children to develop their reading and spelling skills. A greater emphasis is placed on developing comprehension skill through the use of a variety of engaging text from different genres. In writing we will continue to develop the correct use of punctuation and grammar. We are looking for children to use the skills of spelling, punctuation and grammar in all writing opportunities and actively celebrate their achievements and effort.


Our expectations are that the children take pride in all their work and are proud of their achievements in all areas of school life. We look forward to sharing the successes of the year group and individual children with you.


A successful home-school partnership through regular communication is essential for the children to have a happy and smooth time in Year 2. We are always happy to speak to you about any concerns you may have. We value the hard work you do at home to support your child and look forward to sharing that with you.


Thank you, 


Year 2 Team 

What to bring to school

Every day, you need to have the following items in school:

     - correct school uniform and shoes (trainers and boots are NOT permitted)

     -  Reading books  and Reading Record

     - Water Bottle

 -On Wednesdays: Completed Homework Book

-On Friday: Spellings Book 

Please make sure that all items are labelled. 


The children will take home up to two reading books from the school's Read, Write Inc Phonics Scheme and will be changed by an adult every 3 or 5 days. 

An adult or responsible older sibling should sign the Reading Record and we deeply encourage that the books sent home are read daily.

Reading Records must be bought in daily. 


Homework is set on a Friday and must be completed by the following Wednesday. 

Spellings are set on a Friday with the Spellings Quiz on the following Friday. 

Reading should be done daily. Little and often is best!


Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Your child must come into school wearing their correct PE kit on these days. 

Welcome to Year 2 Parent Information
