Writing Implementation
English lessons are taught daily across the school and to the whole class, therefore allowing all children to have access to the age-related skills and knowledge contained in the National Curriculum.
- As a school, we follow the Power of Reading as a scheme of work. Texts have been carefully selected to be representative of the pupils and be in line with the long term curriculum map of the school.
- Each class studies a different high-quality text every half term which offers children engaging, yet challenging English lessons. Within each unit of work, children are given opportunities to participate in drama, spoken language activities and writing for a variety of purposes. Opportunities are planned for children to use knowledge from other subjects within their English writing and vice versa.
- We have a drama teacher, Arwen Burnett, who teaches drama across the school. She develops drama sessions linked to the Power of Reading texts that are being used in each class
- Grammar and Punctuation are planned and taught within English lessons; allowing the children to learn skills in a meaningful manner. However, in Upper Key Stage 2, new concepts of Grammar and Punctuation is often taught outside of the English lessons. Every English lesson starts with a SPaG style starter and often teachers will try to make starters relevant to that week’s grammar lesson or the skills that are being taught in English.
- As a school, we follow the Head Start spelling scheme and spelling lessons are taught on a weekly basis. Children are taught ways to learn and practise spelling rules and are given spellings to learn at home each week. They are tested on these the following week. Children have access to spelling mats and word banks during writing tasks and rich vocabulary and words often misspelt should be on display on the class’s working wall.
- Writing skills are clearly outlined in an age appropriate and progressive way so that the children’s writing is extended as they progress throughout the school
- Writing skills are taught in all subject areas so that our children realise that writing is important across the curriculum
- Sequenced lessons ensure that prior learning is checked and built upon; teachers use shared writing, modelled writing and guided writing to teach a range of skills and techniques which enable the children to develop their own writing style using appropriate grammar, punctuation and ambitious vocabulary choices. These lessons also enable the children to make links, apply taught skills in a context and see a purpose to their writing
- Teachers model the writing process daily and demonstrate the high standards expected of all children. This clearly shows the children that effective writing takes time and effort, and how important the editing process is. This scaffolds and supports children’s writing and makes expectations clear
- Teachers display good examples of writing, these include from well-known authors, themselves, and the children in the class
- Planning ensures a variety of genres are progressively taught, identifying the appropriate features but also revisiting grammar, punctuation and ambitious vocabulary from previous lessons
- Direct, clear feedback is given during writing lessons
- Each classroom has a Working Wall which is built upon and changed regularly to support the children to become independent in making choices to enhance their writing
- The school employs a speech and language specialist who screens all children at the beginning of the reception year and then supports the staff and children during the year
- We have a Literacy Support Teacher one day who works one-to-one with those pupils are dyslexic
- We find opportunities to build a cultural capital amongst our pupils through class author visits both in school and at our local library. We aim for our pupils to be inspired and motivated to continue writing for pleasure.
- We participate in writing competitions throughout each academic year to further develop a 'writing for pleasure' mindset, especially in a world of ever-changing technology.
- We celebrate successes of our pupils in writing in holding assemblies, displaying 'WOW!' work around the school and on our writing display.