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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

The Pantry - School Lunches

The Pantry is our school meals provider, introducing our high standard of food backed by The Soil Associations’ Food for Life Silver standard, ensuring all of The Pantry’s ingredients come from the very best sources.


You can expect to see Red Tractor meat served as standard, RSPCA assured eggs and a host of organic ingredients on our menu, meaning your children will be eating the very best of fresh, sustainable, and high-quality products.


The Pantry are an independently owned business, whose journey started as a sandwich shop on Hayes High Street in 2006. Now, they proudly partner with around 60 schools, known in our industry as delivering the highest standards of school food backed with innovative technology systems.


All food orders will need to be placed  in advance and online via The Pantry app. This includes orders for when you would like The Pantry to provide a packed lunch for any class trips. 


All Primary school children in London will receive Free School Meals automatically.

It’s really important that you still complete your school or borough’s registration form for government funded Free School Meals, in case your child is eligible for extra funding for their school from the government, worth £1,300 per year. 

Those parents whose children already qualify for Free School Meals under the government’s existing offer must also continue to apply for Free School Meals as before.  


For more information including Guidance and support for families regarding Free School Meals please click here: 




The Pantry Catering
