The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum programme of study for curious minds incorporates the statutory requirements of the ‘Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage’ as well as other experiences and opportunities which best meet the developmental needs of the children in our school with value added to their culture capital and the development of a range of transferable skills.
The curriculum and early years practice have been shaped with respect to the four overarching principles:
Age-related expectations combine the acquisition of knowledge and development of skills to create a purposeful and exciting learning journey for every child. The curriculum programme of study has high expectations to combine transferable skills, demonstrate a breadth of vocabulary and develop strong, meaningful links. Inviting environments and the classroom as a ‘third teacher’ stimulate children and ignite sparks of interests; engaging them in quality thinking and reasoning. Broad themes form the medium term planning and is responsive to the children’s needs as well as “in the moment’ planning that nurtures the spark and embellishes upon the interest. Both incorporate holistic approach to teaching and learning.
Pupils work towards the Early Learning Goals of the Early Years Foundation Stage with the intentions of being ready to move onto the National Curriculum Programmes of Study at the start of Year 1. Throughout this period and beyond children are still developing their phonic knowledge and their fluency in reading through structured teaching with fidelity to the Read, Write Inc. phonics programme.
The delivery of the curriculum uses an integrated thematic approach where the 17 areas of learning and development are integrated into a theme if appropriate but also taught discretely where this might be more suitable to the circumstances. Throughout the year we have special days or weeks which have a clear focus, for example; Science Week, World Book Day and Friendship week. These are special events that enable children to put their learning into practice in a variety of other situations.
We take pride in providing a highly inclusive environment, where learners of all abilities can demonstrate high levels of enjoyment in their education and many make good progress in their learning. Children at all levels of ability are helped to achieve their potential. Through pupil progress analysis, those who learn rapidly are challenged and supported with tasks that provide opportunities to develop mastery. Those children whom are presented with a barrier or are slower graspers are provided with target support through modified activities and additional interventions in order to embed skills. Examples of interventions provided are Nuffield Early Language Intervention, Read Write Inc. phonic Intervention and dough disco. Our Enhanced Provision supports children with a specific SEND need.
Outdoor learning
The outdoor environment and local community are considered an opportuning for learning for all children. The immediate school grounds have been developed so that they can enrich different curriculum areas in ways not afforded indoors. Outdoor learning is actively promoted and planned for.
Practitioners, Teachers and Leadership
Practitioners and Teachers ensure communication about children’s learning progression is constant with all stakeholders. Key workers communicate children’s learning and interest with parents and carers at home, as well as to all other practitioners during weekly team planning sessions.
Practitioners and Teachers value and undertake regular CPD through independent study, in house training, external training providers, outreach in supporting others and through network meetings.
The Early Years Foundation Stage Leader and Senior Leadership play an important part in the success of the curriculum by leading a regular programme of monitoring, evaluation and review and the celebration of good practice. These contribute to the ongoing commitment to evolve and improve further.