Reading Intent
At St John XXIII Catholic Primary School, reading is a top priority and is a key driver for our curriculum.
Reading is a top priority and is a key driver for our curriculum Part of our intent is that all our pupils including those brought up in financial deprivation, should enjoy a wide range of experiences beyond those normally employed in teaching the National Curriculum. By doing this we also hope to develop children’s love for reading. For example, we have had the local author, Virginia Ironside, visit to encourage children to read. Reading and Phonics is a high priority to address gaps due to deprivation and cultural diversity, which will feed into all areas of the curriculum.
It is our intention to ensure that by the end of their primary education, all pupils are able to read fluently and with confidence, in any subject in their forthcoming secondary education.
We therefore intend to encourage all pupils to read widely across both fiction and non-fiction to develop: knowledge of themselves and the world in which they live; to establish an appreciation and love of reading; to gain knowledge across the curriculum; and develop their comprehension skills. We are committed to providing vocabulary rich reading material and this is evident through all aspects of the curriculum.
At St John XXIII it is our intent to ensure children will:
be independent, resilient learners who enjoy challenges we expose children to a range of challenging texts (age appropriate) and develop their ability to increase their fluency and confidence in reading