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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Y6 Secondary Transfer meeting

At the end of Year 6, all children transfer to a secondary school.  This can be a challenging and stressful time for both parents and children and we work to make sure that our families have as much support during the process as possible so our children are confident that they will settle well into their new schools, develop new friendships and grow in self-esteem, resilience and confidence.

On Monday 18th September, we held a meeting with Year 6 parents to discuss the process of children transferring to Secondary school.

When children reach Year Six, parents across London are invited to make their choice of secondary school. All the essential information and key deadlines concerning the transfer are made available at these meetings and it is really important that parents attend.  The deadline to apply for secondary schools is 31 October.

Parents are encouraged to plan and make visits to a broad range of secondary schools. As a school, we are available for support throughout this process.
