Winter Uniform
School Knitted Jumper (with school logo) for Boys/Girls
School Knitted Cardigan (with school logo) for Girls
Plain White Shirt
School Tie
Plain Grey Trousers
Navy Skirts or Pinafores
Boys, grey socks
Girls, navy or white (Socks or Tights)
School Fleece Jackets are available to order
Navy blue or black coats only please (no denim, leather or brightly coloured coats)
PE Kit
School PE Bag
School Navy Hoodie and Tracksuit Bottoms
White Polo Shirt
Summer Uniform
Girls - Yellow and White Gingham Dress
Boys - School Yellow Polo Shirt with School Logo
Boys - Grey Shorts
KS2 School BackPack
School Sun Hats are available to order
Please ensure all uniform is clearly labelled.