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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future


History Intent


History has always been a subject which we are passionate about at St John XXIII. Through history, we want children be enthusiastic, lifelong learners.


By the time children leave St John XXIII, they will have mastered a range of skills that will support their future development. These are –

· To be good communicators – language will be modelled daily to encourage speaking and listening. Developing vocabulary is a key part of our History lessons and the use of Stem sentences.

· To be enthusiastic, lifelong learners who have an understanding of the past and how it impacts us in our lives now and for the future ahead of us.

· To understand how to keep themselves safe and be respectful in their communities by acknowledging events in History that effect the communities we live in and how to be understanding of different opinions.

· To develop their God given talents by being creative through exploring and examining first hand sources to help them understand more about past history, era's and cultures. 

· To be independent, resilient learners who enjoy challenges and can use this to acquire new knowledge, dates and facts about the past. 


Our intention for the teaching of history is to give pupils the opportunity to develop an understanding of why the world and its people are the way they are today; to be independent, resilient learners who enjoy challenges. They begin to ask questions as they explore the diversity of human experience, past lives and societies.  We intend that by the end of their primary education, children will have a chronological understanding of British history from Prehistory to present day and are able to draw comparisons and make connections between different time periods and their own lives. Interlinked with this is the need to look at world history. At St John XXIII the children will explore the ancient civilisations of Egypt, Greece and Baghdad with dedicated Experience days, visitors and workshops interwoven in the curriculum topics, developing their understanding of trends over time and across concurrent civilisations.  Pupils will look at the impact on the local area and are taught to understand how to keep themselves safe and be respectful in their communities.
