In DT we are working towards designing, making and evaluating our own Moving Monsters. We have looked at and explored linkages, mechanisms and have created design briefs to carefully plan what our Moving Monsters will do and how we can evaluate them.
This term in Maths we have begun our learning journey of multiplication and division. We can now multiply and divide by 2s, 5s and 10s and have looked at the different ways we can group amounts to support us to divide and multiply.
We have really enjoyed reading 'Robot and The Bluebird' by David Lucas (we enjoyed Halibut Jackson by him too which we read in Year 1).
We have created our own birdfeeders for the Bluebird and to do so had to carefully follow oral instructions from our teacher. We now know what oral instructions and written instructions are.
We retold the story of The Robot and The Bluebird in our playground, acting out the journey of this heartbroken Robot...
This then helped us to write our own narratives retelling the story in 1st person from the point of view of the Robot.
We debated 'Are robots and humans the same?' and were able to use one another's ideas and arguments to create a balanced argument in response to this question.
We are now able to identify different coins and notes. We can order them in their value and know what the £ and p sign are used for. Next steps: To count different amounts and make different amounts!
In PE we are doing gymnastics and looking at the different shapes we can create with our bodies: a tuck, star, pike, dish, arch, straddle and back support.