What a busy time of preparation we have had here at St John as we get ready for the birth of our Lord.
Both Year 3 and Year 1 led their Class Worships focusing on how Mary said yes to God.
Each Gospel Assembly, as we lit the different candles on our Advent Wreaths we were reminded of God's love for us and our own missions this Advent which included how we should share our love with others, and therefore we took part in the Caritas Advent Giving Calendar as well as holding our very own PTA Christmas Jumper sale!
It was exciting to end the term with our EYFS and KS1 Nativity and our KS2 Carol Concert. Our choir even got to perform at the Tri-Borough Christmas concert!
When we returned to school in the new year we were reminded how Christmas is not yet over, celebrating the Epiphany and the Baptism of Jesus.