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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Writing Board


The whole school Writing display board can be found in the school hall. This display showcases our writing process across the entire school and celebrates star writers from each year group. Elements of our writing process include dramatic techniques such as 'freeze-framing' and 'thought tracking'. This allows each individual child to truly enter the role of a character and to explore their thoughts and feelings in the lead up to a 'big write'. Another important part of our process is the 'exploration of language'. This is when we learn to carefully select appropriate language in order to write for a particular purpose, for example, when writing to inform, we should select precise terminology and where required, be imperative.


Our English display also highlights our writing purposes. These are:

1. To Entertain - We write something for the reader's enjoyment in the form of stories, poetry, or a description of a person/character or scene. We carefully select language and detail to provide interest and make it enjoyable for our reader.  

2. To Inform - The purpose of informational writing is to inform or explain something to the readers and increase their knowledge. Through informational writing, you can provide new knowledge, explain a process, provide an explanation of why and more!

3. To Persuade - When we write to persuade, we write to convince someone to do something, to make someone believe in something and get someone to take action! We include relative clauses and formal language to attract our readers' interest.
