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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Reception M Gallery



Lots of opportunity for representational play through a range of authentic and natural resources. No plastic tea pots here!


Our Home Corner in Action

Our children are free to explore a wide range of tools and materials which are all stored at their level. No need to ask Miss!


Our Creative Station in Action

Within our beautiful wicker baskets, you can find our range of construction loose parts such as nuts and bolts, wooden blocks of varying sizes, chalk boards for planning, colourful perspex blocks, magnetics and much more! We even have a light tray, lamp and mirrors for added awe and wonder...



Our Construction Area in Action

We aim to provide our children with multisensory experiences when exploring our malleable provisions. Through using natural ingredients such as spices and herbs as well as authentic tools such as rolling pins and spoons we aim to enhance our children's vocabulary, senses and imagination.


Our Malleable Provisions in Action


Throughout our small world set ups, we ensure our children have easy access to a range of loose parts consisting of natural materials and authentic manufactured materials. Our small world provision aim at supporting the children to develop their communication and vocabulary as well as providing an inclusive and collaborative space for all, both child and adult, to join in with the magic of play!


Our Small World Provisions in Action
