Maths Impact
The impact of the maths curriculum at St John XXIII is that we produce confident, risk taking mathematicians who are ready to progress on to Key Stage 3. This is from a starting point that is well below the expected standard. (38% of children are at the expected level based on the Welcome Data)
Children have a strong foundation in number facts and can use mental and written strategies to solve a varied range of calculations. Children can also recall number facts to make connections with new strands of mathematics. This is reflected in KS2 maths data which remains significantly above the national average.
They are comfortable in the challenge that they are presented in maths lessons and can apply a range of problem solving strategies and mathematical understanding to thrive in these challenges.
Children are aware of the importance of maths within the wider world and see maths as a life skill rather than simply a lesson to be taught at school.
Above all; school leaders, teachers, support staff, children, governors and parents are all of the opinion that all children can achieve excellence in maths and enjoy the journey to get there.