On Wednesday (19th), we visited Lee Valley Park in Essex to take part in a Mindfulness and Art Discovery Day. During our visit, we were taught to focus on our senses, work in teams, to observe the Park's wildlife and to use natural artefacts to create art. We had great fun, particularly when we made sprites using natural resources such as mud, sticks, stones and grass. We were taught to sculpt the mud carefully to form the sprite's face, as well as adding in some facial features! We also worked creatively to form butterflies using sticks, leaves, stones and flowers!
We have been focusing on our Oracy skills a lot this term. We made presentations about the 12 apostles and presented them to the class.
We have been learning about what a pavilion is and their purposes. In teams, we explored temporary frame structures using toothpicks and blue tack. In order to do this successfully we had to think carefully about creating strong and stable shapes.
To end our unit of 'Elements of Art', we developed our scream portraits inspired by Edvard Munch, incorporating light, space and design techniques. We added lots of bright colours using oil pastels.
In our first lesson of our new unit 'States of Matter', we worked as a group to demonstrate the differences in the particle arrangements of solids, liquids and gases.
In RE this week, we learned that the Epiphany is the feast day that celebrates the revelation of Jesus Christ to the Three Wise Men. This is celebrated every year on January 6th. We created our own crowns to remember the 3 Wise Men/ 3 Kings on this special day and wore these to Mass with the rest of our school community.