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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Autumn 1

Code Breaking in Maths

Year 5 were investigating a place value based code and had to use reasoning skills to solve it! They enjoyed the challenge!

Mental Health and Wellbeing

As the Mental Health and Wellbeing of all in our community is so important, Year 5 has been learning more about emotions and how we can read facial expressions. It is important that we can read others' expressions so that we can support those who need it. Year 5 are doing so well at being the best they can be for themselves and their peers!

The Year 5s have been getting right back to staying active! They are learning to work together as a team and practicing their throwing skills. These skills are useful for many sports including tennis!

Freeze Frame!

Year 5 have been caught in the act! They have been reenacting a snapshot from our English Book focus "Street Child." Better hope Mr. Spink doesn't catch them!

Year 5 rubbed shoulders with a celebrity today! Chris Wormell invited us to listen to a reading of his new book 'The lucky Bottle' and he even created a custom drawing for our school library and signed postcards. What a lovely experience for our budding authors in Year 5!yes

How Jesus Loves Me

In PSHRE, Year 5 have been discussing 'How Jesus shows his love for us.' We reenacted the story 'Jesus Calms the Storm' in order to reflect on how the disciples felt when Jesus came to help them.


For our Caritas project this year, Year 5 have been researching the local area for where there is most need and where the Catholic Social Teaching values are missing. We decided that we will be supporting Hunger in our community due to the Cost of Living Crisis. We had a visit from H&F Foodbank who we will be donating to along with the Parish Food Share.

Conscience Alley

Year 5 were lost in discussion around our class book 'Street Child' and a character's choices. We held a debate and the children were well prepared and argued their points valiantly.
