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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Summer 2

Our teachers organise these games and cheer us on during the events. Sports Day teaches us the importance of sportsmanship and teamwork. The winners get medals and certificates, but everyone enjoys and celebrates. Sports Day is brilliant because it's not just about winning, but having fun and being active.

International Week - Flamenco Workshop!

Flamenco Workshop

Still image for this video

Flamenco is a style of Spanish music, played especially on the guitar and accompanied by singing and dancing.

performed during religious festivals, rituals, church ceremonies and at private celebrations. It is the badge of identity of numerous communities and groups, which have played an essential role in its development.

Corpus Christi - First Holy Communion Celebration

Some of our children received the Sacrament of the Eucharist this year, and we gathered as a school to honour this. 

The celebration of the Eucharist in the sacrifice of the Mass is the true origin and purpose of the worship shown to the eucharist outside Mass. The principal reason for reserving the sacrament after Mass is to unite, through sacramental communion, the faithful unable to participate in the Mass, especially the sick and the aged, with Christ and the offering of his sacrifice.

In Class Worship - Gathering in God's Presence

As the Lord's servants, we gather together to worship Him and thank Him for all He gave us. We are inspired by the work of Jesus Christ and His apostles, and during the busy Summer term, we ask God to give us the strength to work hard.

The children have been introduced to lots of different concepts in Maths this half-term - but they've worked hard to understand them in lots of different ways - including making their own shapes!

Recyclable Materials - Bottle Top Art Project

Simple gestures to help the planet. Small and seemingly insignificant, plastic bottle caps can be a real threat to the environment. Collecting them not only prevents them from being dispersed, but is also beneficial to the planet.


Inspired by Pope Francis' letter - Laudato Sí, Year 3 are focusing on using recyclable materials in order to help the planet.

Latin for "Praised Be," Laudato Si' is the name of Pope Francis' encyclical on caring for our common home — planet earth. The letter is addressed to "every person living on this planet" and calls for a global dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet through our daily actions and decisions.
