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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Summer 2

STEAM Day - Renewable Energy


This half-term we took part in a STEAM day where we focused on renewal energy.  We linked this to our topic of electricity and thought about ways we can generate sustainable energy such as hydropower generated by water.  We came up with lots of interesting scientific questions about sustainable energy:


  • Why is clean energy necessary?
  • How did scientists discover a greener approach to energy production?
  • How do solar panels convert light into energy?
  • Can solar panels overheat?
  • How do wind turbines produce enough energy on windy days?


Then, we built our own water wheels that could potentially provide power. We used everyday items and thought about what design would work well such as the angle of the paddles (spoons) and whether more or less paddles would turn faster therefore generating more electricity.

Practical Action Renewable Energy Video

Find out more about renewable energy!
