On Tuesday 20th September, the PTA met for the first time this academic year. It was so lovely to see so many new faces there.
We are in the process of electing class reps so please do contact the school office if this is something you would like to get involved with.
The exact duties of class reps will vary from school to school. Here in St John XXIII, though, they include:
- Attending PTA meetings and passing on comments and suggestions from the other parents in your child’s class.
- Helping with school events such as the summer fete and Christmas fair. This may involve helping to organise the event, coordinating a particular stall, and compiling a rota of class parents to help on the day.
- Attending other school events such as sports day and concerts to help serve refreshments, sell programmes and other similar tasks.
- Drawing up a list of contact details for all the parents in the class, circulating this to the families, and keeping it up to date. This is helpful for arranging playdates and birthday party invitations.
- Organising social events for parents such as coffee mornings and meals out.
- Acting as an extra line of communication between the teacher and parents, for example by passing on messages about school trips and events.
At the meeting, we also got some dates in the diary for upcoming events.
Thursday 20th September - Second hand uniform sale (donations warmly welcomed)
Thursday 13th October - Black History Performance
Friday 9th December - School Disco
Please look out for details of our next meetings. All parents are welcome.