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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

The Zones of Regulation

The Zones of Regulation is a model to help children identify their feelings, identify which ‘zone’ they belong to and allow them to regulate their own feelings and behaviours. 


In September, all the staff at St John XXIII received training on how we can use the Zones of Regulation as a whole-school approach to help our children identify and regulate their own feelings.


The Zones of Regulation has now been introduced to all the children and your child will learn more about the Zones in a series of lessons which will be delivered during the Autumn Term alongside the PSHRE Curriculum. As these lessons are delivered and your child learns more about the Zones, please check back here for more information and resources that you can use at home.


The Zones of Regulation work most effectively when the child can refer to their feelings and emotions with reference to the Zones both in school and at home. Therefore, we encourage you to use the Zones at home to help your child identify how they're feeling, to self-regulate their emotions and to deploy strategies to help them move between the Zones.


Please follow the link below for some resources you can print and use at home to support your child with the Zones of Regulation.



