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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Year 5 Bloomfield Assembly

On Thursday, Year 5B delivered an outstanding class assembly on Lent. We reminded everyone about the importance of Lent and that it was a time for Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving.


Lent is also a time for reconciling our relationship with God and showing forgiveness for those that have hurt us.


During our assembly, we spoke about John Newton, the author of the lyrics to 'Amazing Grace', who provided us with a good example in our lessons of a person who had turned away from God and had committed some terrible sins as a slave trader before turning back to God and seeking forgiveness.


The case of John Newton challenged us to think about whether we could or should forgive everybody and what God teaches us about forgiveness. We shared this during our assembly and then brought the house down with a banging version of Amazing Grace!


Thank you to all of our parents and adults who could come to watch us.
