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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Year 2 Summer 1 Gallery 2022

Presenting our final artwork pieces based on the art of Roy Lichtenstein! What do you think? 

PE - Throwing and Catching

Having basic throwing and catching skills is a key skill we are developing this term to aid us in our fielding games. 

This term we have been developing our measuring skills. 

We can now measure accurately using a ruler to measure in centimetres and in metres. We can also compare lengths and we are beginning to use mathematical vocabulary when measuring objects all around us! 

Hej, hei, hallo and halla!

We enjoyed celebrating all we had learnt in our Geography topic Northern Europe. 

We dressed in the colours of the flags of Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Norway and Finland, learnt some words in these languages. We also carried out experiments to help us understand the tundra cold climate of Northern Europe...brrrrrrrr. 

Our favourite part of the day? Definitely a taster of some Northern European foods! The cured salmon was a particular favourite. 

What a wonderful visit to Phoenix Farm!

It's always a fantastic experience to visit the farm and see how everything has grown since we last visited. 

This also helped when we celebrated Earth Day and looked at how much the earth provides for us!

We planted runner beans and can't wait to go back to see how they've grown in the Summer term. 

Finding a third
