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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Pupil Premium and PE/Sports Premium

Are you eligible for pupil premium?



Ever 6 free school meals children

For mainstream and special schools, the pupil premium for 2022 to 2023 will include pupils recorded in the October 2020 school census who have had a recorded period of FSM eligibility since January 2015, as well as those first recorded as eligible at October 2020.


Children with no recourse to public funds (NRPF)

For 2022 to 2023, pupil premium eligibility is being extended to pupils eligible for free school meals under the temporary extension set out in the coronavirus (covid-19): temporary extension of free school meals eligibility to NRPF groups guidance. As these pupils are not registered as eligible in the school census, eligible schools will need to make a claim for additional pupil premium funding for these pupils. Further details on the claims process for these pupils will be published in due course.


Children adopted from care or who have left care

For mainstream and special schools, the pupil premium for 2022 to 2023 will include pupils recorded in the October 2020 school census, who were looked after by an English or Welsh local authority immediately before being adopted, or who left local authority care on a special guardianship order or child arrangements order (previously known as a residence order). These are collectively referred to as post-LAC in these conditions of grant.


Ever 6 service child

For mainstream and special schools, the service premium for 2022 to 2023 will include pupils recorded in the October 2020 school census who have been eligible for the service child premium at any point since the January 2015 census as well as those recorded as a service child for the first time in the October 2020 school census.



Pupil premium Policy

Catch Up Funding 2021

PE & Sport Premium 


St John XXIII Catholic Primary School appreciates the contribution of PE to the health and well-being of its children. We also acknowledge that a broad, balanced, high quality curriculum and extra-curricular activities have a positive impact on concentration, attitude and achievement.


how they do this.


The four objectives of the Primary PE and Sport Premium funding are:

  1. To improve the quality of existing PE teaching through continuing professional learning in PE for generalists, so that all primary pupils improve their health, skills and physical literacy, and have broader exposure to a range of sports
  2. To increase participation levels in competitive sport and healthy activity of pupils, and maintain these into adolescence
  3. To increase the quality of initial teacher training in PE and sport, and to promote PE specialisation in primary level workforce
  4. For schools to show that they understand and value the benefits of high quality PE and sport, including its use as a tool for whole school improvement


Sports Funding 2022/23

Sports Funding 2021-22

Sports Premium 2019 - 2020

Sports Premium 2018-19

All children in Key Stage 2 take part in a two-week block of swimming lessons; swimming each day at the Jane Adegoke Swimming Pool. Children in years three, four and five have swimming lessons in the Autumn Term. Year 6 swim in the Summer Term. Our school swimming data for the current year to date is displayed below.

Swimming Data 2022-23
