RE - The Kingdom of God
This term, we learnt about The Kingdom of God and what this means to us. We read the parable of The Mustard Seed and the Yeast and reflected on how this links to The Kingdom. We discussed what we can do to spread the gospel in ourselves and in others. Then, we planted some mustard seeds with some promises attached of things we will do this year to spread the Kingdom in our lives.
Some of our promises were...
"I will try to be kind to others and help them grow mentally and physically." -Isabella
"We can show love by taking care of the elderly." - Roman
"I can grow The Kingdom of God by just showing a bit of kindness." - Isaac
This term, we have been reading the text 'There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom'. We used drama to infer a characters thoughts and feelings by creating a conscience alley. Our main character, Bradley Chalkers, had to decide whether he would continue with his bad behaviour choices or if he would embrace his newer found thoughtful side.
Later on in the term, we wrote our own stories using 'There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom' as inspiration.