Science Bags have commenced for the 2022-2023 school year! The children at St John XXIII are very excited to bring Science home with them. The purpose of this initiative is to link households and parents/carers with the love and curiosity for Science we instill at school. Children can conduct any investigations of their choosing using the Science equipment provided. They can use inspiration from class investigations, learning or come up with a Scientific Enquiry from their own imagination! The possibilities are endless! Have fun!
First, I filled two cups with water and paint (blue and yellow) with an empty glass of water in the middle. I added tissues into both coloured water glasses and left the ends in the clear water glass. After a long time, the clear water had turned green because the water had travelled into the tissues, and blue and yellow make green.
My science project was growing an avocado seed. I cut up a plastic bottle and filled half with soil and the bottom half with water. Then, I placed the seed into the soil and left a rope, that connects from the soil to the water, hanging through the bottom so that it could soak up the water to keep the plant healthy. The stem is now so long!
First I put lemon juice into a test tube and obviously on its own there was no reaction. Then I added sugar but it stayed the same. Weirdly, when I added vinegar the liquids separated but still there was no reaction. Then, it all changed when I added the baking powder. It was leaking and bubbling all over me! When I added salt it didn't create a bigger reaction, and when I added olive oil it cooled down the concoction.
I used the pipette to layer different types of liquids into the test tube to show that they do not mix. Instead they lay on top of each other. If I shake the tube (demonstrated) some of the liquids mix like the water and washing up liquid but the honey stays unmixed at the bottom.
I tried the circuit breaker with my brother first which worked because it lit up. Then, I attempted it with my tortoise and cat but this didn't work. I think my tortoise didn't work because it has a hard cold shell. I also think the cat didn't work because he has fur.
I decided to test different liquids in sparkling water to see if any would cause a reaction. I started by adding lemon juice because it was acidic but this did nothing. Then, I added a mixture of sugar and salt which still showed no reaction. When I added baking powder, it started to fix slightly and form bubbles but, when I added the vinegar it was like a volcano as it spilled out and onto my hand holding the test tube!
To make the bubble slime I mixed PVA glue, bicarbonate of soda and eye wash that contained boric acid or sodium borate. I also added pink food colouring to make it more colourful! You need to stick a straw in the slime and blow slowly and steadily to make the biggest bubble you can! If it pops, you can just reposition your straw and below another one.