It's so nice outside - we like to take advantage of every opportunity to be outside - so why not take your reading book!
Year 3 summed up the year - especially the highlight of the year for many of our children - with an assembly focused on the Feast of Corpus Christi. We used our Spanish hymn - Alabaré - to praise God in the best way; through song!
The children spoke of their favourite memories of Year 3 and discussed what they were excited to do next year.
We discussed the problem with waste and how humans impact the environment. Year 3 discussed how we can help the planet, such as by recycling or planting vegetables. This brought up a question: why are there some materials we can not recycle?
We discovered a material that is extremely difficult to recycle: Styrofoam. There is a way you can get rid of it though - acetone! Acetone completely dissolves polystyrene such as Styrofoam. This material does not break down and fills our landfills - so the children were very impressed when the Styrofoam dissolved with the acetone.
We had to use our STEAM skills to complete this activity - such as asking questions, working together, setting up and conducting experiments. It really had the WOW factor!
The feast day of Corpus Christi highlights the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, — Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. The word "Eucharist" means "thanksgiving." The First Holy Communion children gathered with their school community to celebrate this significant time in their lives - in the presence of Jesus Christ. The day was beautiful and finished with a procession into the playground with Fr. Richard, Fr. Ephraim and D. John. Thank you to all the parents who joined us on this very special day in our school community.
Action-packed! That's a way to describe this Experience Day. We have learned about how rivers help both flora and fauna on our planet. We went to the park to search for different types of plants, as well as see the algae on Hammersmith Park pond.
We spent the day in the sunshine doing STEAM activities - and finished the day with artwork based on rivers!