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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Summer 1

Year 3 wanted to raise awareness about the importance of recycling and reducing waste in order to care for God's creation.

We created mechanical posters to really capture our audience's attention.

Summer Concert

Year 3 took part in our annual St John XXIII Spring/Summer concert for KS2. The children worked hard, using their musical skills they've developed during the year to perform a wonderful rendition of 'Three Little Birds' by Bob Marley.

Collective Worship - We Gather to Celebrate Our Lady

We gathered as a school to pray the Rosary and honour Our Lady of Fatima during the month of May

Maths Week - Puzzles and Investigations

This week, we focused on using our embedded Maths knowledge and skills to solve puzzles and investigation questions.

Rivers - Using Maps to Identify Features of a River

As a river progresses from the source to the mouth, many different key features occur - floodplains, meanders, oxbow lakes - oh my! Year 3 focused on using maps and photographs to identify these features.

3F Class Worship - Our Lady of Fatima

Monday, May 13th is celebrated by the Catholic Church as the Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima. It marks the first day in 1917 on which the Blessed Mother appeared to the three shepherd children of Fatima in Portugal.

Making Amounts with Different Coins

We've been looking at pounds and pence this week. Year 3 were tasked with making different amounts using coins.

Recognising Homophones

Homophones (words that sound the same, but are spelled differently) are always tricky to remember and recognise in Key Stage Two. Year 3 spent some time matching the various words to their correct spelling and definition.

Maths - Finding Fractions of an Amount

One of the trickier parts of our learning, finding a fraction of an amount is hard work. We had our concrete resources to hand to help us.

English - Debate

Year 3 encountered a strange statement this week - there are whispers that rocks are made from chocolate...


We used our persuasive language to debate this statement and convince our audience that this was not the case. Our learning from Science helped us immensely.

Times Tables Rockstars

All children were signed up to Times Table Rockstars, a website which can be accessed from home.

What is Times Table Rockstars?

Times Table Rockstars (TTRS) is a website that provides simple games so that children can reinforce their times tables and related division facts

Children-Led Worship

Today, we reflected on our actions as Catholics and our scripture. Today's focus was on the teachings of John the Baptist;


Luke 3:10-16

"All the people were hoping for the Christ to come, and they wondered about John. They thought, “Maybe he is the Christ.”


We reflected on John the Baptist's instructions and what we can do everyday in our school to make our school a welcoming place to be.
