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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future


Design Technology Implementation


Children cover the strands of food technology, mechanisms, electrical systems, structures ,textiles the digital world throughout their key stage. Each year builds upon the skills they developed in the previous year to ensure that they build a repertoire of techniques which increase in complexity.

There is a STEAM day every term where children have a day devoted to STEAM and by the end of the day they have designed, made and evaluated their final product.


Teachers are provided with half termly planning that they should implement through knowledge and skills based, weekly lessons. Lessons will vary between mostly practical and some theory based work. Each half term will contain the following:

  • A knowledge organiser which outlines knowledge (including vocabulary) all children must master;
  • A cycle of lessons for each topic, which carefully plans for progression and depth. This is presented in the form of a topic overview, which shows the series of lessons within a topic.
  • A self-assessment is provided on the lesson overviews for pupils to assess their competence in each lesson.
  • A means to display and celebrate the pupils’ work in their class and around the school.
  • We draw on the expertise of specialist subject organisations such as STEM learning and the National Curriculum to support our curriculum planning



We aim for all children to participate in mainstream lessons.  Work is differentiated and extra support is in place for children with S.E.N.  Where it is felt necessary, a pupil is withdrawn from class to receive specialist help from school devised intervention programmes, or support from the Language and Communication Service. We aim to provide a range of resources that reflect the diversity of culture and language within our school community and the wider local community.

