Mr Dalledone and the children of St John XXIII, have been invited to take part in the Royal Albert Hall's 150th Anniversary Project. We are one of only 6 schools to be invited to take part, 3 primary schools and 3 secondary schools. The project will see our children take part in what is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work alongside world-renowned film composer, David Arnold, to compose the grand celebratory piece of music that will be the center piece of 150th birthday concert at the Hall on 29 March 2021.
The main part of the project revolves around 3 workshops, with David and workshop leader James Moriarty visiting our school in spring/summer 2020. The 30 children involved in the project have shown a real interest in composing music over the years working with Mr Dalledone. They are young songwriters, students learning musical instruments, members of a choir or children who have shown a real interest in music.