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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future




At St John XXIII, we follow the Collins Primary Focus Handwriting scheme which supports our children to develop clear, fluent, quick and legible handwriting. It is a step-by-step program which reinforces and progresses skills. Handwriting activities are based on high-frequency words so that spelling is a key part of the learning process, and we at times may set homework or independent work in the classroom. 


    Every week, during praise assembly, one child from each classis rewarded with a handwriting certificate. This is rewarded to a child who has worked extra hard during the week at their handwriting and produced consistantly neat and clear handwriting according to their age. 


    From years 2 upwards, every child has the opportunity to gain a pen licence which means that they have made a concerted effort to produce legible, joined handwriting which matches their age. Once a child has achieved a pen licence, they are then allowed to transfer from pencil to pen in all their lessons bar maths. 


