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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Autumn 2

History - Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot

We transported ourselves to November 1605, where we have been learning about the Gunpowder plot. Guy Fawkes was one of 8 men who planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament to kill King James I. The king was against anyone that was catholic. Here we worked in groups to re-act the part where the plotters questioned each other.

Year 1 Class Worship - RE (Mary, Our Mother)

For our first class worship, we have been sharing our learning on Mary, our Mother. Our mother Mary reminds us of our own mothers, so here are some pictures that we created of our precious mothers.


D&T - Creating our own fruit kebabs/bowls

Year 1 received this letter from Mrs Finn:

Fruit tasting: RESEARCH

Year 1 STEAM Day Challenge

Beat the Flood - Floating Garden STEM Challenge


Year 1 were given the challenge to think of ways to help disadvantaged farmers from all over the globe.  We first looked at pictures to understand what floods can look like in different countries. Then we looked at pictures showing drought and how it can affect people and their lives. We sorted these pictures out in our table groups. 



The task

Our task was to design and build flood-proof garden structures for farmers to use to save their crops in the event of a flood. Lots of farmers can lose out on business and livelihood due to the uncertainty of their climate so by building these structures, it can enable farmers to grow crops even in an area that may become flooded.


A floating garden, built on a base of aquatic weeds, is a low cost and sustainable way of allowing people to grow vegetables. 


Design and building 

First we collected recycled plastic containers and bottles to help us design our models, then we started building them, using cotton wool to act as soil and water cress seeds as our crops.



After building our models, each group tested them in a container of water to see if our designs would with stand protecting our crops if the event of flood were to occur.


Will it sink or float?

Here are some video clips showing us testing our floating garden structures:

Group 1

Still image for this video

Group 2

Still image for this video

Group 3

Still image for this video

Group 5

Still image for this video

Group 6

Still image for this video