Dear Parents and Carers,
We would like to welcome you and your child to Year 4.
Year 4R staff - Miss Rawlings (Class Teacher), Miss Rose (LSA) and Miss B (LSA)
Year 4M staff - Miss McCaugh (Class Teacher) and Miss Begum (LSA)
Our aim is for the children of Year 4 to reach their full potential as they progress further towards the upper key stage. We encourage reflection on their learning, challenging themselves and making the most of different opportunities offered in school as well as resilience but most importantly independence. This is reinforced through an exciting, creative and engaging environment. In this stimulating environment of our classrooms, we establish clear routines and have high expectations of each child.
Within Year 4, children will have a range of opportunities to explore and extend their learning as they continue their knowledge based curriculum. Each subject will consolidate previous learning from earlier years to build and make links on these as they progress throughout the year. In History, they will be studying the Anglo Saxons, Tudors and Mayans. In Geography, the children will start to develop their idea of Spatial Sense looking closely at lines and scales on a map as well as the area they reside. In addition to this, we will delve into the understanding of Urban and Rural settings, deconstructing the different types of settlements we have across the globe.
In Maths, children will apply their understanding of place value to addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, whole numbers and fractions, measurements, statistics and shape to real life contexts and learn to work systematically on maths investigations, developing reasoning skills. Children are encouraged to adapt their thinking to reason and problem solve, explaining how they reached an answer using different strategies and mathematical language. A major focus in Year 4 is learning the remainder of the timetables as in the summer term the children are expected to take part in the new ‘Multiplication tables check’ issued by the government to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. There will be daily timetable tests in class but it is the responsibility of the children to learn these with daily practice at home.
Check here for further information:
The implementation of weekly grammar lessons will continue alongside daily reading and weekly handwriting and spelling checks. Across a wide range of texts the children will be writing non-chronological reports, poetry, letters, narratives and more to give them a chance to cover all of the grammatical skills required by the end of Year 4. Spelling tests will commence every week on Friday morning.
Our expectations are extremely high in Year 4. Children are encouraged to take pride in all their work and be proud of their achievements in all areas of school life. We look forward to sharing the successes of the year group and individual children with you. A successful home-school partnership through regular communication is essential for the children to have a happy and smooth time in Year 4. We are always happy to speak to you about any concerns you may have. We value the hard work you do at home to support your child and look forward to sharing that with you.