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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

SEND Information


At St John XXIII we welcome everybody into our community. We believe that our community should reflect God’s wish that every child is welcomed and should be provided with the opportunity to achieve his or her full potential.


We hope you will enjoy reading about the variety of ways in which St John XXIII is able to support SEND students to reach their full potential. Please read the St John XXIII Information Report attached which will give you an overview to how we support children with a range of Special Educational Needs in school.


At some time in their school life, children may experience barriers to learning that mean that they have a special educational need (SEN) and require particular action by the school. Teachers take account of these special educational needs and additional provision is made to support the child in their learning. If you have any concerns or worries we are happy to discuss them with you. It is much better to come and discuss them rather than worry. Come to the main office and the staff will help you make an appointment with a member of the Inclusion Team.


Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators are Mrs Wendy Nolan and Miss Alex Alderson.

Our Governor with responsibility for SEND is Ms Michelle Copeland.





Please read the attached SEND Information Report attached below. This has the answers to many frequently asked questions.  Should you have any further queries  please don't hesitate to contact a member of staff. 
