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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Year 5 Trip to London Transport Museum

On Tuesday, Year 5 visited the London Transport Museum in Covent Garden. Our visit tied into our new History topic on Windrush. While at the museum we took part in a fantastic workshop called 'Caribbean Journeys' where we learnt more about how the people who came to Britain as part of the Windrush migration worked for London Transport.


Julie, who led our workshop, taught us more about the experiences of the Windrush generation. We thought about how they would be feeling on their journey to Britain, what they may have brought with them and their different experiences when they arrived.


After lunch, we explored the museum looking at the different exhibits that showed how transport in London has evolved over the last 200 years. We then went out and explored Covent Gardens and watched a street performer with questionable credentials as an entertainer.


A good time was had by all!
