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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Faith in the Future fund launch

On Monday 29th January,  we  launched our Faith in the Future fund. The children donated £2 to wear their own clothes in to school. Every year group also got involved with doing a sponsored activity. These ranged from a Danceathon in Year 2 to  a sponsored litter pick in Year 6.

The day continued with a cake and hot chocolate sale in the playground as well as uniform and books. The day was a huge success and, while the final total for the launch is yet to be confirmed, we do know that we took over £2,00 on the day. This money will go a long way in providing much needed resources in school. Your gifts, combined with those of other parents and members of our community, will enable us to maintain the exceptional standard of education offered to those who attend the St John XXIII, both now and in the future.
