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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future


Our Well-Being Vision Statement

At St John XXIII Catholic Primary we:

- Commit to promoting positive well-being throughout our school community.

- Understand the importance of well-being and the role it plays in creating an environment where all are healthy, happy and achieve their best.

- Listen, support and respond to the views of our community and provide opportunities to equip all with the tools needed to maintain a positive well-being​.


What is Well-Being?

We see well-being in a broad sense which includes physical, spiritual and emotional health. We recognise that children’s emotional health is a crucial factor in their overall well-being and can affect their learning and achievement.


What is ‘good’ emotional health and well-being in our school?
• To be resilient, confident, adaptable and collaborative
• The ability to recognise, acknowledge and manage our feelings
• The ability to develop caring and concern for others
• The ability to develop meaningful, positive and long-lasting relationships
• The ability to take responsibility for ourselves and make practical decisions
• The knowledge of how to promote our own well-being

• Good emotional health and well-being includes everyone within our school community


Some whole school approaches to promote positive mental health and well-being:
• Use of the Zones of Regulation to help us connect with, identify and manage our emotions
• Strong links with the mental health charity Mind - St John XXIII is a Mind pilot school and collaborate with Mind on many intiatives to develop our knowledge, understanding and practices around mental health and well-being
• Broad, balanced and enriched curriculum where there are opportunities to take part in activities that promote, enhance and teach us about our well-being.
