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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future


PE Implementation


PE is taught twice a week at St John XXIII. One lesson a week Ms Martin will take each class for a topic each half term undertaking a broad and balanced curriculum throughout the year. The second lesson will be taught by either the Class teacher or by a specialist coach for either dance, swimming, cricket or tennis. 


We follow the national curriculum as the basis for our planning and assessment and have designed the Long Term plan so that lessons build on the previous years’ learning. Topics will interlink and build on skills already taught that fall into either the cognitive, social, emotional or physical. The teachers all follow the Get Set for PE scheme of work which has engaging, thorough plans that targets teachers who are looking to deliver Outstanding PE lessons as well as strong ideas for differentiation, challenge and inclusion.


The children will learn to move effectively and efficiently in a variety of ways and those with mastery will able to transfer skills from one sport or activity to another.


Whilst the pupils will be learning effective technique and movement in KS1 and Lower KS2 by Upper KS2 the children will be developing a strong tactical understanding within games and develop a strong understanding to make key decisions as an individual and within teams, as well as evaluating their own performances. The focus of developing cognitive aspects of learning during the later years of KS2 prepares the children for S school.


The teachers model effectively the skills required to play game effectively and allow the children to embed their techniques within shared routines, sequences or small sided games whilst then giving them the freedom to express themselves, be creative and make their own decisions testing their skills in the process. PE lessons can be strongly linked to other areas of the curriculum such as science, maths, PSHRE and English. Much of the science curriculum uses looks attitudes to healthy bodies that involve great investigations and write ups.


The children are able to utilise their local community to use facilities like Janet Adejoke Swimming Pool, Ravenscourt Park, Play Football, Shepherd’s Bush cricket club and the Linford Christie Stadium. We also enjoy trips to QPR for workshops, tours, talks and competitions on the Football pitch.


Children are encouraged to think about the successes within lessons and think about areas for development within the Physical, Social, Cognitive and Emotional skills within a lesson. They are also challenged with different levels of questions to stretch the children and assess them for understanding and depth. They will explore and discover together as individuals and have the share to communicate their ideas with others. As they move through the school leadership opportunities will naturally develop through PE and the children will be able to help and work with their peers to embed the learning process even further.


Our EYFS pupils begin with introductions to PE, fundamentals as well as learning to move through gymnastics and dance. They will then experience ball skills and games which begin their journey into invasions games in KS1 AND 2. The children begin to work together, understand rules and learn to control their bodies and equipment using and developing hand eye coordination. They learn to make simple decisions and have an environment inside and outside to develop healthy minds and bodies. The children also have the chance during playtime to use the play bikes, gymnastic equipment to perform balances and also the chance to climb and jump.



What does this look like at St John XXIII?

  • A broad and balanced curriculum that reflects the local community and backgrounds of the children
  • Teacher understand the importance of PE to the vision of the school and the development of the individual.
  • Teacher use a variety of methods, strategies and pedagogical theories to engage, stretch and include the all pupils.
  • Provide the children with targets to work on where gaps are evident.
  • Highlighting where children can attain Greater Depth across the Year in a range of skills.
  • Where children are challenged physically or technically, they are given opportunities to achieve through their emotional, cognitive and social skills.
  • Maintaining and fostering positive attitudes in PE especially to those lacking self-esteem and motivation to participate within sessions.
  • Teacher will set homework tasks (practical or written) to research, check understanding and explore ideas with adults at home.
  • All children participate in PE lessons and have the opportunities, resources and chances to succeed within lessons through suitable differentiation.
  • Making allowances for children with disabilities and medical conditions, taking into account children with special needs, through modified classroom programmes.
  • Ensure every child moving on to secondary school can swim 25m and has basic water skills.
  • Developing the fitness of the individual, by ensuring a good pace in lessons and incorporating fitness activities into physical education lessons as appropriate.
  • .Involving the community where possible - e.g. Sports Day, clubs, intra/ inter-school matches, outside coaching personnel and resources.
  • Provide enjoyable experiences, where positive attitudes of sensitivity, leadership, co-operation, competition and tolerance may develop.
  • In addition to the school curriculum our students compete in a range of Borough competitions, sports festivals and local cluster fixtures taking place at regular intervals during the appropriate season.
  • Along with the large variety of physical activity within the curriculum we also offer a range of after school clubs such as Netball, Tag Rugby, Football, Cricket, Martial Arts, Dance, Tennis and Athletics.