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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future


Implementation of our Art Curriculum:


Each term our pupils will study a block of Art lessons followed by a block of DT lessons. Lessons will vary between mostly practical and some theory based work, evidenced through the use of individual sketch books. High quality planning is implemented by teachers through knowledge and skills based, weekly lessons. Teachers have identified the key knowledge and skills that should be learnt by the end of each topic through use of the progression map, ensuring appropriate progression across topics and year groups. We divide our skills and learning into the following categories: knowledge of artists, formal elements, generating ideas, making skills and evaluating. By the end of KS2, children will have been exposed to each of these skills. Pupils will be given opportunities to carry out different types of artistic skills as appropriate skills that will be revisited with increasing complexity as the children progress to secondary.


Teachers demonstrate how to use artistic equipment and the main category of skills to embed artistic understanding, finding opportunities wherever possible to develop the children’s understanding of the history of Art and potential of Art in today's modern society. The local area is utilised where possible with opportunities over the year to venture further out. Our curriculum has been tailored to our local area, providing pupils with the opportunity to study and be inspired by local artists. Cross curricular outcomes in Art are specifically planned for, with strong links between Science, Technology, Maths and ICT (STEAM). 


Planning is informed by and aligned with the national curriculum, supplemented by the KAPOW scheme, building upon the learning and continued skill development of the previous years. Consideration is given to how children will be challenged within their artistic learning as well as how learners will be supported in line with the school’s commitment to inclusion.


Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) are introduced to Art through the EYFS curriculum guidance. The Early Learning Goals (ELGs) for ‘Understanding the World’ forms the foundation for later work in science, art, design and technology, history, geography and ICT. Our pupils in EYFS are encouraged to develop their God given talents by being creative and to become eloquent orators, speaking with confidence and fluency in a variety of situations.


What does this look like at St John XXIII?


  • We provide a curriculum relevant and tailored to the pupils taught. We celebrate diversity and local artists, embedding them into our curriculum throughout the year;
  • Art and DT work is displayed in and around the school; on classroom and hallway displays, sketch books and whole class evidence folders.
  • A knowledge organiser which outlines knowledge (including vocabulary) all children must master;
  • A cycle of lessons for each topic, which carefully plans for progression and depth. These are presented in the form of lesson overviews.
  • A means to display and celebrate the pupils’ artwork in their class and around the school.




We aim for all children to participate in mainstream lessons.  Work is differentiated and extra support is in place for children with S.E.N.  Where it is felt necessary, a pupil is withdrawn from class to receive specialist help from school devised intervention programmes, or support from the Language and Communication Service.   We aim to provide a range of resources that reflect the diversity of culture and language within our school community and the wider local community.
