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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Autumn 2

Christmas Party

We marked the end of term with our class parties. A very special thank you to Erin for our delicious home-made cake! 

KS2 Carol Concert

Key Stage 2 gathered for an evening of scripture, prayer and carols as we prepared to celebrate the birth of Jesus. 

WW1 Poetry (6G)

We concluded our World War I poetry topic by writing our own reverse poems based on the poetry of Jessie Pope. Today, we performed our poems to the class - focusing on our speaking and listening targets of intonation, speed and making our poetry meaningful to the audience.

Advent (6G)

We have been learning about the true meaning of Advent as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus. 

Performance Poetry 

We have been working on writing our own World War I reverse poems based on the poetry of Jessie Pope. We looked at the features of poems and then we drafted, edited and published our own WWI reverse poems. Today, we performed our poems to the class - focussing on our speaking and listening targets of intonation, speed and making our poetry meaningful to the audience.

6G Christmas Lunch

Our Christmas celebrations continued on Wednesday lunchtime! 

Science - Living Things and Their Habitats - Classification 

In Science this week we learned all about classification systems and we used them to group different items and animals.

Firstly, we used ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ questions to help us to group and sort Liquorice Allsorts.

Then, we used the  ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ questions to group, sort and classify different animals.

We used both our Scientific Enquiry and Working Scientifically skills.


Child led Collective Worship in the classroom

We pair up weekly to carry out Collective Worship in our classrooms.

We plan our worship carefully.

We do this in 4 parts:

  • Gather
  • Listen to the Word of God
  • Reflect on the meaning of the Word of God
  • Create a Mission for our day to be empowered by and bring the Gospel to life

P.E. and Tennis

Christmas Comes to White City

We had some very special visitors for our Christmas fun day! 

Martin Luther King (6G)

The children were inspired by the life and example of Martin Luther King. We wrote about the kind of world we believed he would be campaigning for if he was alive today 

Faith in Action (6G)

As part of our Justice topic in RE, the children researched organisations who are inspired by their Catholic faith to help those in need. 

Year 6 at Cinderella 

Year 5 & 6 were treated to a performance of the Pantomime ‘Cinderella’ at the Lyric Theatre in Hammersmith. There was lots of singing, dancing, screaming and fun involved. What an excellent start to our Christmas festivities. 

Anti-bullying week 

We celebrated Anti-bullying week this week. We looked at the Premier League Primary Stars ‘Make a Noise about bullying’ presentation and learned about the difference between banter and bullying and completed activities about how to prevent it and to be aware of this. 

Life during World War I in Hammersmith in Fulham

The children created presentations about life in Hammersmith and Fulham during World War I and shared these with the class.

WW1 Experience Day (6G)

As part of our WW1 experience day in Year 6, 6G explored In Flanders Field by John McCrae and wrote our own poems inspired by life in the trenches. 

Year 6 World War I Experience Day

Year 6 fully immersed themselves into character as they dressed up in World War I attire.

They began the morning by completing some 'blackout poetry' based on the famous poem by John McCrae - 'In Flanders Fields'. 

We attended Year 5F's class worship based on Remembrance and participated in the 1 minute silence as a school community.

After that, we learned all about Propaganda used to recruit soldiers - Lord Kitchener launched a poster campaign on a huge scale, to persuade men to volunteer to fight.

After lunch, we researched what it was like in White City and Shepherds Bush during World War I.

We had a very informative Experience Day.

Science - Animals Including Humans 

To conclude our topic - Animals including Humans - the children completed an investigation to show the effect of exercise on their pulse rates. They took their resting heart rate and measured it in beats per minute (bpm), completed 1 minute of intensive exercise and then took their pulse rate after exercise in 1 minute intervals. They recorded their results on a line graph. 
