On Tuesday, Year 3 visited the Science Museum to learn more about Forces and Magnets. We visited the Flight Gallery to learn how inventors, scientists and engineers have used forces to develop planes and helicopters. The ‘In the Home’ gallery was where we were able to learn more about how forces and magnets are used in everyday household items and how these have changed and developed over time.
After lunch, we ended our day with a visit to the WonderLab. This was a fantastic place where we could freely explore a variety of different exhibits and explore science in an interactive way. We listened to an electricity demonstration, watched a chemistry experiment and used pulleys to pull ourselves up to the ceiling in a chair. We also got to repeat our friction investigation from two weeks ago on three huge slides covered in different materials. Just like when we did the investigation in class with ramps and toy cars, we found out that the rougher the slide surface, the more friction was generated and so the slower we went down the slide.
We were all exhausted by the time we got home but a great time was had by all.