Reading Implementation
The systematic teaching of phonics has a high priority throughout Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. Phonics is taught, using the Read, Write, Inc. programme, daily to all children in Foundation Stage, Year 1 and those in Year 2 who have not passed phonics screening in Year 1.
All EYFS and KS1 staff (teachers, TAs and LSAs) have been trained to teach and plan these sessions. Staff systematically teach learners the relationship between sounds and the written spelling patterns, or graphemes, which represent them.
Phonics is delivered in ability-group format from after the October half term, because it enables staff to ensure application across subjects, embedding the process in a rich literacy environment for early readers.
Timely intervention is planned for those children who are working below expected levels as soon as needs are identified. (ELS, Language for thinking, 1:1 Phonics tutoring)
In EYFS and KS1 we hold annual Reading and Phonics workshops to support parental knowledge and understanding.
Once children are confidently reading and have finished the Read, Write, Inc. phonics programme, they move on to the accelerated reader programme. This generally happens when pupils are in Year 2.
The school ensures all texts are accurately matched to pupil ability by:
The reading lead and class teacher has the responsibility to ensure progression and challenge in the reading materials selected for all children. All children from Year 2 - Year 6 complete the Accelerated Reader assessments.
All teachers analyse the outcomes of the Read Write Inc or Accelerated Reader assessments to identify which reading domains children need to targeted with and to inform future Guided Reading planning. Class texts are carefully selected by the Power of Reading lead with the knowledge of how they link to other areas of the curriculum.
All children from Year 1 take part in Guided Reading. In Year 1 this is through story book teaching of the Read, Write, Inc programme. From year 2 teachers use Guided Reading to introduce pupils to a range of genres and to teach a range of techniques which enable children to comprehend the meaning of what they read. We use the acronym VIPERS to ensure Guided Reading sessions focus on one of the reading domains.
Any children not making the expected progress have 1:1 or small group intervention using bespoke packages.