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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Black History Month Celebrations

On Thursday evening a packed hall gathered to watch the eagerly anticipated return of our Black History Month celebrations. We were wowed with songs, speeches and dances performed by the children from KS2. The children selected songs, choreographed dances and were really proud to show off the importance of Black culture and art across the world. 


A huge thank-you must go to the staff at school who went above and beyond to organise the event but especially to Ms Beaumont and Ms Peart. Ms Peart painted the amazing backdrop that framed the whole event whilst Ms Beaumont is the driving force behind the event in the school - an event which makes our school the special place that it is.


Have a look at the programme and some photographs below. 

As much as the night was a celebration, Black history cannot be reduced to an evening event or even a month. Our school is representative of who we are and the coverage of our curriculum at school takes this into account.  You are  able to see the diversity of our curriculum mapped out in our ‘Who do we see, what will we be’ document which is  available on our school website. This is a working, growing document which we will share with you as it develops.

Please follow the below link to view the document.
