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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future


Science Impact


We measure the impact of our Science curriculum through the following methods:


  • In Class Feedback

We understand that feedback is linked to progress and has to be timely to make an impact. In class feedback is used to support teacher’s workload, ensuring it is as immediate and timely and specific as possible, and leaves the teacher time to focus on individual identified needs. (see our Feedback policy 2020)


  • Corrective Teaching/Summative Assessment

When a pupil has not met the learning objective there is timely support available so they are able to continue on the learning journey with their peers. Teachers adapt their planning for the next lesson to ensure there is time to address these misconceptions. The misconceptions may also be addressed through in class marking, conferencing, verbal feedback or with the use of mini plenaries.


  • Pre-Teaching/Pre-Assessment

All teachers must be aware of the pupil’s prior attainment.  At the beginning of a new topic pupils ‘brainstorm’ around the ‘Big Question’ for the unit to identify prior knowledge, this is supplemented by pupils asking their own questions around the topic which feed into further lessons. Through this we aim to analyse the pupils’ knowledge of the topic so far and pre-empt the difficulties. We analyse the information and plan the learning according to individual needs and cohorts. These provide the starting points for learning. Where possible, the Teaching Assistants support teachers by tailoring the lesson/ activities to address the learning gap. This might be re visiting vocabulary or basic skills needed to access the age-related objective.


  • Teaching Assistants and Interventions

Teaching assistants can support during investigations or during extended writes or write ups of investigations. They can deliver short, focused interventions if the need arises in small groups in the lesson or at Booster Clubs. (see Interventions Policy)


  • Partnership

Teachers engage parents through September welcome meetings, Fortnightly newsletters, Parent Consultation Days, Science Bags and Science Investigation Mornings/Exhibitions which ensure an effective partnership to ensure children meet their age-related expectations.


  • Moderation

Science is moderated internally to ensure we make robust judgements, particularly on transfer between key stages. Teachers also take part in external moderation at a Local Authority and Deanery level. Every term, teachers meet to moderate Science and ensure that teacher assessments are accurate. 


  • Formal Assessment Cycle
    • Big Question brainstorming at the start of each unit.
    • End of unit double page spread, answering the Big Question.
    • EYFS is assessed and recorded, adding photographs to the learning journeys of each child based on the EYFS objectives.
    • Science is assessed in groups of children meeting the expected standard, working below/within/above the expected standard.
    • Target Tracker is used termly to track attainment and progress against the subject specific learning objectives. This is then analysed in pupil progress meetings and new targets planned accordingly.


  • School reports

School reports are issued at the end of the school year. Science, along with all other subjects, is marked as Working towards National Expectations, Meeting National Expectations or Exceeding National Expectations.Children are also given a grade for effort within a given subject.

