Maths Intent
At St John XXIII our children have access to a mathematics curriculum that instils confidence, exploration and ambition within the subject for all children. Inspired by the school’s vision: ‘'We aim for excellence with God at the centre of all we think, do and say' the curriculum allows each child to have opportunities each day to excel with their own learning through access to outstanding teaching.
Our curriculum is broad and well-balanced. The maths curriculum builds on prior knowledge and skills acquired in previous year groups.
Learning is carefully sequenced to ensure children work steadily towards the outcomes of the National Curriculum.
We value a maths curriculum that is creative and engaging. All children have access to this curriculum and to make progress in lessons.
Our children need to develop the necessary skills to make them “deep thinkers” acquiring maths skills that can be recalled quickly and transferred and applied in different contexts.
They need to be able to make rich connections across the areas of maths and use their knowledge in other subjects. Maths is the foundation for understanding the world and we want our children to know the purpose behind their learning and to apply their knowledge to their everyday lives.
The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is allocated wisely to enable us to ensure pupils entitled to PPG funding make progress in line with their peers.
Our curriculum is carefully differentiated and provides excellent skills-based challenges, therefore addressing the needs of our children with SEND as well as those who are more able.
By the time children leave St John XXIII, they will have mastered a range of skills that will support their future development. These are –
· To be good communicators – language will be modelled daily to encourage speaking and listening, through using Stem sentences children can express themselves clearly to demonstrate fluency within lessons
· To be enthusiastic, lifelong learners and use their mathematical skills to problem solve and think outside the box
· To understand how to keep themselves safe and be respectful in their communities by using their skills of resilience and perseverance when faced with a challenge
· To develop their God given talents by being creative and seeing the wander of God's world around them and the natural mathematics in our environment
· To be independent, resilient learners who enjoy challenges
Through the implementation of a carefully structured curriculum which is accessible to all, children are offered equity with the maths teaching they receive whilst also being offered and encouraged to challenge their own learning.
Through careful structuring of the curriculum in each year group, children are exposed to and revisit the four strands of mathematics in depth and with the purpose of mastering each step. The skills taught progress across each year with a focus on number. In order to learn mathematics effectively, some things have to be learned before others and these things are structured carefully across the year and year groups. Place value is always taught before addition and subtraction in each year and the skills in place value and addition and subtraction progress each year.
We aim to create children who are confident at mathematics and can see the links between curriculum strands. We hope that children will see the need and applicability of maths in the everyday world and leave St John XXIII with a confidence and appreciation of maths that they will look forward to furthering as they move into KS3.
Children at our school enter well below the expected standards and so it is important that extra emphasis is placed on rapid understanding of number facts building across the years.
The intent of the mathematics curriculum at St John XXIII revolves around the statement that ‘everyone can achieve in mathematics’. This intent is shared by all stakeholders in the school and feeds into the positive and enthusiastic response to maths teaching and learning within the school. Maths doesn’t end at the end of a maths lesson. It is embedded into the daily life of the school and children are comfortable in the challenges they are presented with.
Carefully thought out feedback and a commitment to nurturing each child’s individual needs allows children in our school to ‘keep up rather than catch up’.