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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Autumn 2

Animals Experience Day

On Wednesday, Year 1 held their experience day to celebrate their learning in Science. The theme was 'Animals'! The pupils all dressed up as different animals and had such a wonderful day consolidating their learning on this unit. They had fun making animal masks, completing puzzles and taking part in fun games such as 'animal I-spy'. 

Science - Autumn Walk

In Science, Year 1 went on an Autumn walk to look for different signs of this season. We observed the changing in the colour of leaves, leaves falling to the ground, acorns, pine cones and a change in the colour of the sky which is getting darker. We had lots of fun!

Maths - Addition and Subtraction

In Year 1, we have been learning to add and subtract! We know that when we add, our numbers get bigger, and when we subtract, our numbers get smaller! We have been learning to find fact families e.g. 4+1=5, 1+4=5, 5-4=1 and 5-4=1! 

Our new unit in Maths is shape! We have been learning about 3D shapes which are all around us! 

We have been able to name different 3D shapes and even recognise some of their properties. 

We played a game in partners where we took it in turns to roll a dice, said the name of the 3D shape it landed on and matched it with the correct physical shape. 

English - The Gruffalo

In English, we have been reading the story of 'The Gruffalo' by Julia Donaldson. 

We really love this story! 

We were introduced to this tale through an exciting dance pattern, where we acted out the different characters from the book. This was lots of fun! 

RE - Hail Mary

In RE this half term, we have been exploring the topic of 'Prophecy and Promise'.

We have learnt about how the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, telling her she would have a baby boy called Jesus. We have been exploring the importance of Mother Mary during the lead up to Christmas and have been thinking about how she prepared for the birth of her son, Jesus. We prayed the 'Hail Mary' and explored the meaning of each part of this special prayer. 
