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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Year 4RM Class Assembly

Year 4R -World Mental Health Day


On October 10th, Year 4R delivered an inspiring assembly in honour of World Mental Health Day. Their thoughtful ideas on how to take care of mental health were truly impressive and highlighted their understanding of this important topic. To emphasize the theme of support and friendship, they beautifully performed a Bruno Mars song, reminding us all that "we can count on each other" in times of need. They concluded their assembly with the following prayer: 

Dear God, 

Thank you for the gift of life and health.

Help us to take care of our minds, just as we take care of our bodies. 

Guide us to be kind and understanding to one another.

Teach us to ask for help when we need it and 

to offer support when others need us.



Well done, Year 4R, for your fantastic assembly and for promoting such an essential message. 
