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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Autumn 2

Maths - Months of the Year

We designed our own calendars of the year based on our learning about the months of the year and the seasons.

Christmas Silhouette Art

Whole Class Reading - The Muppet Christmas Carol

We've been using different reading skills this week - predicting, inferring and using specific vocabulary to describe characters - we watched some of The Muppet Christmas Carol to see if our predictions about Scrooge were correct!

KS2 Movie Night

We watched How The Grinch Stole Christmas!

Watching KS1 Nativity

Christmas Fun Day

Y3 have spent Autumn term learning about seasonal fruit and where our food comes from. We used our knowledge of where food comes from to create seasonal British crumbles.

Nativity Scenes

Year 3 acted as key people in the story of the birth of Jesus Christ. Who's Who?

Prehistoric Britain Experience Day

What a busy day! We had lots of fun activities centred around Prehistoric times. We designed and built Stone Age houses and foraged for yummy fruit snacks!

RE Learning - Signs and Symbols of Christmas

The celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ is nearing and the children have been learning about what symbols we see in the Nativity story and around our school. We discussed which ones we thought were most important.

Trip to the Science Museum

As part of our learning in Science, we went to the Science Museum to learn about how forces work. We visited many different exhibits.
