Catholic Social Teaching tells us how our Catholic faith guides our actions. It comes from scripture, letters written by popes and holy people, and the examples set by Christians throughout history.
In our school we use the resources and support provided by Caritas Westminster to help teach the children the six main themes of Catholic Social Teaching: Human Dignity, Community & Participation, Care for Creation, Dignity in Work, Option for the Poor, Solidarity & Peace. Throughout the year, in all learning, our teachers aim to link all lessons to the themes of Catholic Social Teaching to demonstrate the universal nature of the actions.
Each year, the children in Year 5 immerse themselves in the aspects of Catholic Social Teaching during their first topic of the school year. The children work towards a deeper understanding of the six themes of Catholic Social Teaching and then plan and implement a project aimed at restoring an aspect of Catholic Social Teaching that the children have witnessed to be missing in our local community. Previously, our Caritas Ambassadors have: made links with the elderly members of our parish community, collected items for the Caritas reverse Advent Calendar and ran their own eco-refill shop. This ambassadors project always shows how much our children are true citizens of our community and eager to work towards the common good. We enjoy regular visits from Sr. Silvana, who helps guide and advise our work.
All children in the school spend a lesson each half term exploring more depth each theme of Catholic Social Teaching. The learning follows the outline and resources as provided by Caritas Westminster's 'Rooted in Love' programme. The yearly overview is shown below: